Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Matt a Priest
The Aaronic Priesthood is a preparatory Priesthood before reaching the Melchezidak Priesthood in which you are able to basically do anything within the church. As a Priest, I am able to Prepare and Bless the Sacrament and also I am able to baptize new members if need be as well, I just have to wait until I get the Melchezidak Priesthood before I would be able to Confirm, give blessings or annointments, and before I can ordain members to a new level of Priesthood.
We are pretty excited about the new way we are living our lives and Matt is very happy with the decision he has made.
Surgery for Matt
Hopefully, this will all help and he can get back to being his normal eventful self again very soon. Thank You for your Prayers from everyone who knew about the surgery, they were definitely very helpful
Snow, and lots of it

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Matt's Birthday and the "Big Surprise"

Thursday, September 17, 2009
Fun Times
Saturday, July 25, 2009
New Rules at the New Lake
Sunday, June 28, 2009
1 Years Old Together

One of the things we did was visit the Historical Stanley Hotel and took their Ghost Tour. You may remember the Stanley Hotel from the Movie The Shining. We watched the Mini-Series of The Shining, written by Stephen King the night before we went to the Ghose Tour. It was a pretty cool tour, and the coolest thing was that you could actually feel the presence of the ghosts around you. Our tour guides name was Scary Mary, and if you ever take this tour, make sure you request her. She is the supervisor of the Ghost Tour and she REALLY knows her stuff. She turns a normal hour and a half tour into closer to a two hour tour. I'm not going to give you too much detail about the tour just in case you ever want to go take it, I don't wanna give anything away. But just take a look at some of the pictures and see if you see anything weird in them. We noticed as we were looking at them that some of them had bright spots in different places. You will see on the second picture that there seems like there was an extremely bright light where I took the picture, but there was no light and my flash did not go off. Here are those pictures. Very cool tour. And by the way, there is even part of the tour specifically for the kids, so they would love it as well. A couple of the pictures did not actually come out, although there was plenty of light, they just came out pitch Black. Some crazy things happen in that hotel. But we had a great time. Hope you all can go check it out sometime.

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Emilie's 4th Birthday

The Porcupine Dances
Happy Birthday to you!!!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Colorado State Patrol
Saturday, May 2, 2009
A Few Fun Things to Blog About

Julia's Birthday still turned out to be a big hit because the next day was nice and warm and melted a lot of the snow, We did, however, have to live without heat because the ignitor switch on our furnace went out, and what better time that during the blizzard. We slept with extra blankets because the house was only about 45 degrees inside. Brrr. We will have some pictures and videos of Julia's Birthday up soon. We just have to get them from Jessica.
Christina and Becca recently came out to visit for 2 weeks, and Christina brought her kids Eli and Leah and they are the cutest little kids in the world. They love to dance, so we took some pictures and video of them dancing. Here they are, very cute.
And the last tid bit that we want to share with you is the pictures that people have been waiting for of the Barney Room. It does not look as Bright now that the paint is dry, but it still kinda looks like Barney blew up, at least on the accent wall. Take a look at the room. Nice paint job Jewels.

Sunday, April 26, 2009
Bad Bloggers
Saturday, January 10, 2009
New addition to the Family

Happy New Years 2009
Christmas 2008

Our Marriage is Blessed
Thanksgiving 2008