Saturday, July 25, 2009

New Rules at the New Lake

So, for the last few weekends, we have been going to a lake up in Northern Broomfield and swimming there. Up until today, there have never been any signs about no swimming so we have swam across the lake, played with logs, had little rafts out there. Heck, we even took the dogs and they went swimming. Molly and Liberty LOVED this lake. Well, today when we got there, we saw the BRAND NEW, No swimming signs, so what did we do, we jumped in anyways. We went to the dock that we jump off of and started playing around. It was not long until there was a Broomfield Police Officer there telling us we can't swim. I guess it was fun while it lasted, just stinks that we can't have any fun unless we choose to pay for that fun... HELLO, we are in a recession, who has money to pay to have fun, I guess we will see if we can find some new form of free fun. Quite disappointing I must say.