Taylar is almost 16 months old now, and she truly has turned into a little person. I was reading through our blog before writing this and saw the pictures of Julia while she was still pregnant with Taylar and pictures from when she was born. It still feels like just yesterday that I cut her umbilical cord, but now she is so independent and is a little person.
Taylar began to crawl at about 9 months, and we called her mogli because she did not like to crawl on her knees so she crawled like Mogli on the Jungle Book. It was so cute to see her crawl around. When she first started crawling, she only went backwards, but was soon moving forward quickly.
It was not long after she began to crawl that Taylar took her first steps. She took her first steps at about 10 and a half months and by 11 months, she was trying to run. We were both very excited to get Taylar mobile, and now it is hard to catch her sometimes.
We had a cold winter, and the day after Groundhogs day we got our biggest snowfall of the season with over a foot of snow. After that, our weather got really nice and we have had record tying or breaking days throughout a good part of March and even into April. Because of this, Taylar has gotten to spend a lot of time outside, and she loves it. She is such a little outdoors girl, she reminds us of Matt.
Well, we think that you are up to date now. Hopefully it won't be 10 months before we blog again.
Matt, Julia, & Taylar