So it has been a while since we have blogged, thanks Jessica for reminding me, but that does not mean we have not done anything. We have had a very fun filled month of October. We have had a few birthday parties and other parties. Our fun started with Matt's birthday party at the end of September. It was so nice we were able to put up a tent in our backyard and do a big cookout. It was really great because it was the first time that both of the families got together since the wedding and I think they all really enjoyed each others company. We also had some of Matt's new friends from his new job and some of our friends from church. Well then we were kinda slow for a couple weeks until all of a sudden on the other Matt's birthday, we received a call from Sandy while we were at work saying we are doing a surprise birthday party for Matt tonight. Well, that was a lot of fun because I have never seen my brother in law with so much silly string on him. We each had a can and covered him. It was pretty great.
Next we had my nephews 8th Birthday party last Saturday. Ethan had a few of his best friends over and we played all sorts of fun games including Pin the Tail on the Donkey (and Uncle Matt came no where close to winning.) I guess it doesn't help that Uncle Matt got spun 10 times and all the younger kids only got 4 spins... Hardly seems fair to us but thats life of an adult. Anyways, Ethan wanted to have foot long sub sandwiches from Subway so thats what we did. And then what good is a birthday party with cake, ice cream, and presents. Ethan is into pokemon right now so he got some pretty cool pokemon things and some pretty cool wii games from his Uncle Matt and Aunt Jewels. Our next birthday party at that house is Vaughn's 3rd Birthday... They grow up so fast.
What is October without having a Halloween party? About 2 days before Halloween I decided we needed to have some people over, so I texted some people. We ended up having about 10 people over watching scary movies and handing out candy to the little kids who came trick or treating. It was a very fun Halloween. And Halloween is when we found out that we have new neighbors across the street from us, and guess what? They are a young couple who have it looks like a set of twins who are about 1 year old, so our kids will have little playmates when we start having kids.
Yesterday was a blast... Andrew and Paul (Ashley and Jessica's husbands) have been deployed to Afghanistan for one year and they come home in about 2 weeks. Well to kinda celebrate that, and because Matt got free tickets for us, Matt, Jewels, Ashley, Jessica, and Steven went to Elitches for the day and had a blast. We have some pictures to post, but Jess has not emailed them to me yet, so as soon as I get them I will post them. We went through Brutal Planet Haunted House, which was known as the number 1 haunted house in Colorado for about 5 years (Although none of us could figure out why.) It was pretty lame and Matt was so disappointed he wanted to go to a different haunted house where he might actually get a little scared, but Haunted Houses are really expensive so Matt got disappointed again because we decided against paying $16 a piece to go through a haunted house. Maybe next year.

After Elitches, we went out and ate at Applebees, We had a very funny waiter. He took our drink order and as soon as he brought it Jessica just had to spill her water. I asked for a towel because we had a spill, and our waiter says "Already" we all laughed and went on about our dinner. Well later in the dinner, we got refills on our drinks. Jessica was drinking Diet Pepsi. He got all of our refill orders and read Jessica's back as "Diet Pepsi with a lid," we all laughed and then low and behold he brought Jessica's Diet Pepsi out in a to-go cup with a lid. I always love having a server with a good sense of humor.

Anyways, there is our October... Hope you all enjoyed reading this Blog. Talk to you all soon, and we can't wait to see you Andrew and Paul.