I know this is kinda a late post seeing as it has now been almost 2 weeks since the Troops came home from Afhanistan. But

anyways, here it goes. Andrew (Julia's Brother) returned home from a one year tour to Afghanistan on Tuesday November, 18. It was a great day and one that I think we will remember for a long time to come. It was a joy filled homecoming, as he arrived just in time for Thanksgiving. We all went to the airport to see him in. The cool part was, they even let us go to the gate so we would get to see him right as he pulled up to the gate. There were, as with almost all stories, a few mis-haps. The biggest one, I think, is that the flight the Troops took was earlier than their normal flight. I know, your probably saying, why is that a bad thing? Well, it was not, however we all had to book it to the airport and unlike me, Andy's parents did

not take the Tollway so they showed up about 10-15 minutes after he was off of the plane. The other Mis-hap was poor little Miley. Miley is a Chihuahua/Maltese mix and is tiny, she is Dan and Courtney's dog. She was on the escalator and got her back toe caught in the top of the escalator. Poor little dog was crying so loud I think they stopped traffic on the runway to see what was going on. She was hurting and definitely bleeding. Luckily she had a very loving "mommy" there to hold napkins to her toe until they could get her to the vet. The vet ended up having to do surgery and amputate the remainder of her toe.

But anyways, we are certainly Glad that Andrew is home safe and sound as well as the rest of his unit.

1 comment:
I posted mine even later then you so no worries! You guys need to learn how to blog more!
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